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Welcome to the newsroom of the FIEGE Group. This is your stop for all the latest news and official press releases. Go to Downloads for up-to-date brochures and issues of our customer magazine, Logo. Press photos that have been released for editorial publication have also been archived there.

Sarah Schimmelpfennig
Head of Marketing & Communications

Lukas Wilke
Sputnik GmbH - Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

FIEGE company brochure
Our product is efficiency
FIEGE at a glance

The FIEGE History
From Westphalia into the World
FIEGE - The Portrait of a Family Firm

FIEGE Healthcare
When every moment counts, you are on the safe side with FIEGE
FIEGE supplies you with the foundation to create value with secure and transparent process ows within your supply

May we introduce ourselves? Your tire logistics expert.
FIEGE – your partner for service-minded and professional pan-European tire logistics

FIEGE Transport
The globalised world is our market.
Our strategy is to provide services with the greatest possible added value.