Title winners are the team from Reckenfeld and the Ahlen all-women team
Greven, 1 July 2019. Over 2000 people were seen either participating in or rooting for the Fiege Soccer Cup held in Greven. 77 teams from ten different nations played at the stadium of the SC Greven 09 last weekend, cheered on by hundreds of fans, friends and family members. For the first time ever, Fiege staff enjoyed an independent women’s tournament, while mixed teams still participated in the Soccer Cup. This 15th edition of the football tournament thus scored as the biggest event ever in Fiege’s company history.
“Last year’s event held in Krakow was already the biggest of its kind in the history of the company. This year, almost twice as many people came together, and we are even more international”, said Jens Fiege during the opening of the tournament on Saturday. “We are absolutely thrilled to welcome you all to our home base and show you where Fiege has its roots”, said Felix Fiege. Just as the year before, the two Chairmen of the Board set foot on the playing field, where last year they reaped success when the team from Fiege system headquarters won the Soccer Cup in Krakow, Poland. It is tradition for the winning team to organise the following year’s tournament.
187 matches on a single day with teams from ten countries
That is in and by itself a logistical challenge – the journey there, the accommodation, the catering and the tournament all needed to be planned and organised. Participants were homed in Greven, Münster and Osnabrück. Teams arrived from ten different countries either by plane or by bus, to represent their locations. They were rooted for by colleagues from their home country, all diehard fans joining the Soccer Cup fun. “It is absolutely wonderful to see this many employees and their families gather at a location and spend the day together”, said Jens Fiege. The teams first played for the cups and then went on to party in the tent set up near the sports field.
Never before has the path into the final for such a record-breaking event been so long: From 10 am in the morning, to 6 pm in the evening, 148 group matches plus 39 knock-out rounds were played on the pitch of the Greven Stadium which had been divided into four playing fields. Only the teams from Dieburg in Hesse and Greven-Reckenfeld made it into the final, with the winning team scoring a clear 4:0 for their victory. This means that the next Fiege Soccer Cup will once again be staged in Greven.
The team from Ahlen secured the cup for the women’s debut event. The runners-up team came from Gardno in Poland. “It was so much fun watching the women who gave it their all – despite these scorching temperatures”, said Felix Fiege. Once again, the tournament boasted an international line-up with teams from Poland, the Ukraine, and Hungary. The German locations Mönchengladbach and Ahlen arrived with their own teams. Two Münsterland women’s teams formed, made up of female employees from Greven, Münster and Ibbenbüren. Nine teams played this first edition of the women’s cup, which will also see a repeat next year.